Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Why do we forsake one another?

What happened? How did our lives get so complicated? God why can't we all just love?
The very first word our Lord uses to describe love, in 1 Corinthians chapter 13:4, is suffers. Love suffers long. The very next word used to describe love is kind. Love suffers long and is kind. Well that says it right there! We don't love because we don't know how to love! We think our suffering is meant to simply cause us harm and we fight against it with everything we can. We use anger to combat our suffering, we use hate, we plug up our ears from hearing and we run to the first thing we can to find comfort for our pain. I know because I do that.
How in the world are we supposed to suffer long and then manage to be kind? Be kind? Are you kidding me? I am in some real pain here and nobody understands this pain but me. What benefit would I gain from suffering so much only to portray a happy heart by being kind? My heart is far from happy! Cancer has savagely attacked my family! Cancer is tearing us away from someone we love. This hurts and I can do nothing about it. It's like someone has tied us up to a target and is mercilessly taking shots. We don't even have a fighting chance. So hear you go, take all this pain and fear too and lets throw in some agonizingly long amount of time just to be mean. Yeah being kind is a hard thing to do sometimes.
But God says Love suffers long and is kind. How does our Lord demonstrate His LOVE to us? Have you read the gospel? There are so many beautiful ways God shows His love for us. Since we just celebrated Christmas lets start there. GOD....Maker of Heaven and Earth chose to come down to the world He created and set up His kingdom here as a mighty king and showed us his great power by defeating many nations and making slaves of all His enemy's....No He didn't do that! God came down as a tiny baby and was subject to His creation. He was lowly and despised by many. He was a man of great sorrow and acquainted with grief. ( emphasis mine, Isaiah 53:3) Jesus came as a poor mans son and lived a poor mans life and at the ripe old age of 33 (approximately) He was crucified and died for the purpose of saving a world full of nasty sinners. Talk about LOVE. Suffering for a world full of cynical angry sinners, wow, that's kindness. NO, that is LOVE!
Our God created us, He gave us life. He then set up rules for our safety and we rebelled against His rules and we chose to do our own things. How we know, as parents, the pain of watching our children stubbornly try to do things their way instead of listening to our direction. Why are our lives so complicated....maybe because we try to figure out life on our own. Maybe because we push God away and think, arrogantly, that we have some insight into what it is we need. Why does nothing fulfill our deep desires? Why are we sad all the time and full of anger and confusion? Maybe because we've forgot our first love? All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him (Jesus) the iniquity of us all. (Isaiah 53:6)
Lord how we need a lesson in Love. We need to be loving to others as You are loving towards us.  God I know you love me and all of us no matter where we come from. You love us because You are Love. Death shall not be the end for us because You sent us Your only Son to pay the price for our sins. There will not be anymore pain, nor sorrow, nor suffering when we come face to face with You at the end. You will wipe away every tear from our face. I can only imagine what it will be like. Thank You that this is not the end for those who cry out to You for help, those who purposefully seek You. Praise You Father for saving us all. You are GOOD!
P.S. Welcome to the family of believers Ken Sr. we never stopped praying for you!!!

1 comment:

  1. I so SO excited about the P.S. The angels are rejoicing in heaven, and Jesus is smiling so wide about his new friend. Wow, what excitement is going on up there!
