Wednesday, May 23, 2012

What will Satisfy

Let your eyes look directly ahead and let your gaze be fixed straight in front of you. Watch the path of your feet and all your ways will be established. Do not turn to the right nor the left; turn your foot from evil. Proverbs 4:25-27
I have found a joy that has never let me down! God's truths, His words, His story has brought me comfort, given me peace, filled me to overflowing with thankfulness and love! I can't get enough! 
I am so worn out and tired after a long day then, to end my night right, I find myself fighting with my four year old to brush his teeth before he goes to bed (the evil mother that I am to make her child brush his teeth). Exhausted and alone, I have no person to comfort me, no one to sympathize with me or hug me. So I turn on my computer to check my e-mail only to find junk mail. But wait, there waiting for me on my google home page is my Streams in the Desert Devotional and rushing waters come fill me up, there is nothing like it! I love words! Words are so powerful, so thought provoking and life changing. 
How scary to think that we have the power to fill ourselves with whatever we want! Our society is so connected! We have total access to all of the world right in the palm of our hands! What do we search for? What do we fill ourselves with? Hours upon hours of mindless T.V. or video games. Waiting for something? No problem just hand me my handy little i-phone and I'll conduct business, play games, watch movies, listen to music, post a status update on facebook, even meet singles on a dating web site all at the same time. We have everything our hearts could desire right at our finger tips. So why are we still searching? What else could there possibly be that we don't already have an app for? Do you really need me to answer that for you? I tried to be filled by the things of this world to no avail. There is absolutely nothing in this whole world that has satisfied me like the Truth. God's true story of creation and His over the top romantic love for us all! Trust me, I never thought I would ever say those words! I have heard people testify of God's unfailing love but I always thought they were a bit nutty. Until I experienced it for myself. You'll never understand me until you step out in faith and give God your unsatisfied heart and trust Him with it! A word of caution though, this life isn't for everyone. Only the weakest, most helpless and destitute of sinners can walk this road! Because where we are weak He is strong! Are you ready to sell all you have and give it to the poor and come and follow Him?

I wanna live like that! <<<< Listen to this!


  1. ahhhh so sweet! The Word, Truth, Life... indeed satisfing!!! Thank you for sharing, you are such an encouragement! <3

  2. Praise the Lord. So glad you were encouraged. He really is all we need!
