Thursday, October 6, 2011

Need something more?

What satisfies a person? What do you think you need right now that would satisfy your desires? Is it money so you can pay off all those bills and buy that big house you've always dreamed of? Is it a man/woman that understands you and loves you just the way you want to be loved? Is it that cushy job that gives you great medical and dental with paid vacations every year? Is it a latte? The point is that we all think something will satisfy us to the point where we will never want again and I hate to break it to you but if it's one of these things or any other earthly thing, you will thirst again.

So what is the point? It seems this life is all about getting somewhere or achieving something that gives you status or money or respect, and those aren't necessarily bad things. They can feel really good especially when you've over come tremendous circumstances to get to those places. But let's say you get all those things and you are on top of the world, what happens next? Do you finish your race, is that all she wrote? What happens when you've reached the top?

So maybe you know the "right answer" to such questions as these because you've heard them all before. It's family, friends, relationships that are what really satisfies and what truly matters in the end. OK sounds nice enough, but what if you are horrible at relationships? What if you mean well enough but when you try to help your family out they view you as judgmental and you end up alienating the ones you love. Or the opposite happens where you can't stand your family and friends because they just don't understand you.

So does anything satisfy? Do we ever have that void deep inside filled by seeking to have fun or working hard enough to have every life experience or make enough money to buy whatever we want? Or is it filled by being such a "people person" that we are surrounded by friends and family all the time and they just think we are the most pleasant person in the whole world but deep down we still feel alone? Who can answer these questions? Who knows all the answers? You do, or at least you know the One who does.

You see you are a created human being. You have a maker! And even better than that your Maker has supplied the how-to-book of your dreams (hint, it's the BIBLE)! This life comes with instructions! Isn't that the most amazing news you've ever heard? I ended the last paragraph with the sentence, you do for a very important reason. You may be thinking, if I had these answers I wouldn't be so messed up inside. Well the very fact that you are messed up inside speaks big truths about how you do know the answers to these questions. Jeremiah 31: 33 says, "But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the LORD: I will put My law in their minds, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.
Guess what that means? You know right from wrong, you have that little voice whispering to you that says hmm... this is wrong. But like most of us do we just usually explain that little voice away. It's not like I'm committing murder for goodness sake!

Well what do you think? Is that a good enough answer for how you might know more than you think you do about this life and what might truly satisfy? Still not sure? In Romans 1: 20-25 Paul writes, For since the creation of the world His (God's) invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made (you and me), even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image (like say money or fame or status or___ fill in the blank) made like corruptible man--and birds and four-footed animals (for instance, cow worshipers) and creeping things. Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

What that verse states is that although man knew who God was he turned his back on God to live his own life apart from God. Why? Think of it like this, a child is determined to jump on the couch even after being warned by his mother, 3 plus times, not to jump on the couch. Well this child thinks he's a pretty smart cookie and thinks he can keep jumping because he's having too much fun to consider the possibility that he could fall. Low and behold the child hits the floor but first hits the coffee table on his way down. A painful lesson learned. We are a stubborn race! We are so arrogant and prideful that we can't see the consequences for our actions. We think we know more and can avoid disaster because we are "super special and really cool!"

So we know that we know God and his law because Jeremiah 31:33 says He has written it in our hearts and put it in our minds. We know we turned away from God because we wanted to live our own lives and we didn't need those silly rules or laws because they are so restricting and totally cramped our style anyways. We also know that His invisible attributes are clearly seen and understood by His creation, us. So what do you think is that enough for you to know that you know these answers?

Well if you are still having a hard time let me tell you one more thing. You my dear reader are a big fat sinner, as I am. We can't help it we are born into sin. It's a curse carried down from our ancestors since the creation of time. We are all lost and searching for fulfillment in this life because we have found out the hard way that our way isn't what we thought it would be. But I have GOOD news. God knew we would need a savior. He knew before He even created us that we would need a savior so in His loving kindness He sent His One and only Son to come down and live among His creation. Emanuel, God with us. Jesus Christ our savior lived a sinless life and chose to die a sinners death. He took on the sins of this whole world, He became sin for us so that we might become the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus. God so loved the world! God so loved you that He gave His one and only son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. Ahh yes that is the missing void. Everlasting life with our Maker God. Our Father who lives in heaven. Doesn't that just quench your thirst? God loves us and we are simply blinded to that love because of sin. Don't let sin condemn you, live in the blessed assurance of everlasting life through faith in Christ Jesus and His atoning work on the cross for love of you.

Since we have realize we are sinners and need a savior, what do we do now? Pray, pray, pray. God is never far from us He is always waiting for us to turn around and realize that He's been waiting ever so patiently for this day to come. Prayer can be hard to do, ever wonder why that is? Prayer opens your heart to Him and you've been trying so hard to handle things your own way for so long. Praying to God means you believe and your sin becomes revealed. Nobody likes to see their faults, but I promise you if you confess your sins to God He will remember them no more. He will forgive you and give you a new life. He is overjoyed and is eagerly waiting to hear from you. Please take a minute to pray to Him and ask Him to reveal Himself to you in a way that would convince you of His love for you. Ask Him to be your Lord and to help you live this life. Tell Him you're sorry, tell Him your hurts, talk to Him and share you heart with Him. He knows your heartache and He wants to heal you. But you will never know unless you find out for yourself. Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. God is who He says He is! Ask me how I know I would love to share with you.

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