Monday, June 6, 2011

What Have We Done? Random Thoughts.

This generation is at such a disadvantage! It is more common that children come from broken homes than loving ones. It is more common that the children of this era are connected more to facebook than their own family. The enemy has been at work and we have been asleep. WAKE UP!!!

There are a lot of Christians out there who think that they just have to read the Word and everything will be OK. Where in the bible does it say that if you chant these verses like a magic spell that things will just happen? Proverbs is a great place to start doing instead of just reading because the name of the book is PRO...Verbs... Come on people a verb is an action word!!!

It took me a long time to figure out that life was more than just whats happening with me. It took me even longer to figure out that the only One who could help wasn't a doctor with his/her own television show. Yes it has been a long time since Jesus walked the Earth but we are to NOT lose heart! We have fallen so far away from God. I know Jesus is coming back because I see the signs, do you?

He who spares his rod hates his son, but he who loves him disciplines him promptly Proverbs 13:24. Parents don't think for one second that if you refrain from disciplining your child that they will love you more. In fact the opposite is true. We are responsible to God for how we raise our children.

Don't put off till tomorrow that which can be done today!!!! BIBLE Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth!!! Ignorance is not bliss because we live in a nation where God and His Word can be found if we seek Him with all our hearts. We will have no excuse when we stand before our Lord on that day. He will say "what did you do with the life I gave you?" If we just lived for ourselves we have been wicked servants.

God help us all to be good stewards of our time on this planet. We are so blessed in this rich nation but the enemy would have us look at all the bad things in our own lives instead of remembering the GOOD! God we are living in a modern day Babylon, like frogs in a pot that is slowly being turned up to boiling so are we. Help us to move!!! Help us to PRAY!!! WE NEED YOU GOD.

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