Saturday, August 25, 2012

Simply Believe

There are many things in life that we trust with out question. For example, the rising of the sun. The sun has been pretty faithful to me over the last 32 years of my life to rise every morning. I plan my life around the fact that the sun will rise tomorrow so I have to get ready for the day the night before. It would be silly of us to not expect the morning and neglect our work because of our lack of faith in the sun.

Exercise has also been proven to be beneficial to our bodies and so is healthy eating. But even though those things are proven to be good and beneficial to us, unless we implement the work of exercising and eating healthy, it does us no good and we receive no benefit. Their truth remains the same but just knowing it or hearing about it does't make us healthy. We have to put exercise and healthy eating into practice before we see their benefits in our lives.

The same is true of our Christian faith. We hear wonderful testimonies from other people of God's faithfulness. Testimonies are so amazing and inspiring! The Bible is full of God's words to us, His promises to us. We read them, we hear them and even memorize them, but until we put them into practice in our lives we wont receive their blessings. Until we step out on the waters of faith, we wont receive the promises of God.

Stepping out in faith is difficult but once you take that first step it becomes easier. However, it doesn't compare to the work of waiting on the promises! We need to remain faithful even in the absence of the promise. We have to continue to believe that what God has said will come to pass, even if it seems like an insane amount of time has gone by with no evidence of the promise arriving.

It's a dual blessing we receive in the end. Because after we have endured the longsuffering of waiting, God sends His promise. And we come to find that we not only received our blessing but our faith has been strengthened all the more. We are stronger now and it was all because of faith. Simple belief in the all powerful Word of God.

The simplest things can sometimes be the most difficult for us!

Waiting wont kill us! Keeping our hope in Him wont Kill us! It is hard work yes, but if we should lose hope and turn away then we are in real danger of death, eternal death. Struggle a bit more with Him and you'll come to know, just as sure as the sun and the moon are in the sky, He is faithful to do the things He says He will do!

Lord, teach us to live by faith! Help us to not lose hope. We know that You are able to sustain us in the storms of life. You are faithful! Thank You for the promise we have through faith in Jesus Christ, eternal life! You have washed our sins away, we are made new and we are forgiven! Lord that is enough! May we be content to know at the end of this life of suffering we will see You and all our tears shall turn into shouts of praise! You are Worthy! Thank You for not leaving us here to suffer alone. Thank You for showing us the way we should go. We can choose to have You walk with us through these trails and to cling to Your words, how amazing! I can't imagine going through these pains without You! Thank You for Your longsuffering, thank You for Your Love!

Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus 
just to take Him at His word 
just to rest upon His promise 
just to know thus saith the Lord.

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