Saturday, April 14, 2012

Not what I thought

So now what? Now that I'm here and you're not, what am I supposed to do? You know I am not a strong person and you know I fall apart. I never signed up for this! I never thought I would be here like this.... but here I am. Here we are, me and the kids, left here to fight our way through this life without you. So what now.... well your son has been really into these inspirational movies like "Glory Road" and "Remember the Titans" and "Facing the Giants." Figures right, Keegan making good movie choices, must take after his mom. So I guess we just keep moving. I know it sounds stupid but I really do have to remember that today could be our last day. Who knows what tomorrow will bring? Not me that's for sure! It puts things in perspective to remember that every day is a gift from God and I would be a fool to waste what little time we have here on feeling sorry for myself. That's one thing you never did. You never felt sorry for yourself. You never said 'why me' and you were so happy even through the pain. Well clearly I'm not you and I must have drawn the short stick because this seems like the more difficult road. Well that's all the tears I have for tonight. Tomorrow is a new day, right? His mercies are new every morning. Hmmm, I wonder if it says somewhere His mercies are tapped out in the wee hours so stop trying to squeeze out more and go to bed. Just a thought :)

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