Friday, July 13, 2012


"E'en for the dead I will not bind my soul to grief;

Death cannot long divide.

For is it not as though the rose that climbed my garden wall

Has blossomed on the other, side?

Death doth hide,
But not divide;
Thou art but on Christ's other side!
Thou art with Christ, and Christ with me;
In Christ united still are we."
-Streams in the Desert-

We all face hard things in life but we don't have to let those things make us bitter and cold. We have a choice to let our mind slip away as we dwell on the unfairness of life or to continually take our thoughts captive by filling our minds with truth. 
If your not reading a daily devotional may I suggest, Streams in the Desert! You will find in these pages the cold hard facts of life painted like the most beautiful scenery. You will be encouraged and you will be grounded. You will find comfort knowing that so many others struggle with difficulties and heartaches and yet are not broken because of God's great love and mercy. You will realize that life is more than what you feel and that God can bring good out of ANY situation! You will be humbled to hear personal stories of triumph through pain.
God doesn't send trials into your life to cripple you, but to teach and to grow you in love. You wont make it through this trail alone, but with God all things are possible!  We are all weak, but thank God who gives strength so freely to those who seek and ask. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and my burden is light (Matt 11:29-30). Surrender yourself unto Him and see for yourself. 

Lord thank You for loving us so much that You sent Your Son, who freely humbled Himself under Your authority, who suffered and died on the cross for the sins of the world. Your beloved creation is now free to chose to believe in Jesus and be saved or to believe in themselves and parish. Love doesn't force itself on anyone but offers itself freely to everyone. You are Glorious! 

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