Thursday, September 13, 2012

Heart Breaking Love

I didn't know which order to put these two very moving video's.  I heard this song on the radio today and I just bawled!!!  This is exactly how I felt when I wrote my blog post on Jan 12th titled "Do You See Me?"  I wanted Kenny to know that no matter what the cost I was going to love him as much as I possibly could.  I know that without God's love and His strength I couldn't do that. It's not possible to love someone to death unless you know God's love.  

I am in awe of God's love for this world. He loves every single, dirty rotten, sinner on this planet. We sure are capable of causing pain and breaking hearts, and yet He loves. We are selfish and guarded and shut up inside our protective barriers, we are fearful and wounded and incapable of healing ourselves. He loves us anyways and His love brings healing, real healing! Are you falling back into sin? Are you falling back into an addiction? Are you too fearful to move? Do you believe no one could love you? Then this is the best news you've ever heard! God so loved you that He sent His perfect and Holy Son to die in order to pay the price for your sins, all of them. He took all sin on Himself and  suffered and died all for the love of you and me. 

I have to say this! If you are in a marriage right now, if you are blessed enough to be married to someone, may you know and show the kind of love that bleeds. May you be so selfless that you are willing to love no matter the cost to yourself! That's when you'll discover all the more God's love for you. 

Lord Your love is incredible! Thank You for loving me in all my brokenness and all my failures. Thank You for loving me in spite of my limited love towards You. I can never love you back the way you love me! I aspire to reach a new level of loving You everyday of my life. Only in Your strength and by Your grace and mercy! AMEN

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