Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Called Aside

Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?--unless indeed you are disqualified.

2 Corinthians 13:5

Sometimes we think we are smarter than God. After I read this verse I thought about times when I knew Christ was in me but I didn't want to continue to be convicted by His Holy Spirit. I would push the stop button on my growth in Christ. I completely reasoned in myself that I would be OK if I took a break from His leading. Talk about a gamble!

This verse says test yourselves to know whether you are in the faith. Sometimes we can think, because we go to church and are in fellowship with other believers, that we are automatically in the faith. However, that's not the end all of the issue. Sometimes we can think because we are in a family of believers that we are automatically believers. What do you believe apart from those around you?

I am so thankful that God, though it's not easy, calls us away from people at different times in our lives. I am grateful that He suffers with us as we go sometimes kicking and screaming. He stays with us and endures our confusion and our anger as to His decision to call us away from others to test our faith. He wants to know, "If none go with you, will you still follow? Because one day you will stand before Me to give an account of the life I gave you and it will be just you and Me. There will be no others standing with you and you will have no excuses as to the choices you made."

I am reminded, even as the dishes are never done and the laundry pile grows over night, so too our faith is always in need of attention and sometimes tedious work.   

What will we say in that day? I pray that God will hear me say, "Though none go with me, still I will follow!"

Thank You Lord for Your love for me! Thank You that you pursue me and You suffer long with me, through the confusion and the anger. I am thankful that I don't have to understand Your ways, I just have to decide if I will trust You. You are more loving than I am able to understand! Please keep me close to You all the days of my life. In Jesus name AMEN!

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