It is definitely not what I wanted to hear but it was certainly what I needed! Submission, not a word you are just overjoyed to hear but without it you can't get a deeper relationship with our Lord. Jesus is the ultimate example of submission and brokenness. Brokenness, who wants that? The truth is you cannot, as hard as you may try, make yourself happy. Submission is part of God's perfect design for us but since we all are born into sin we all start off rebelling from God's perfect design for our lives because we think we know better and we want what we want.
Who did I think I was anyway? I really thought I knew better than God did. I thought I knew what I needed in my life because, well I'm me, duh. But wait a minute, step back from that thought girlie and ask yourself this question; Where were you when God first thought of creating the world? Where were you when God was forming you in your mothers womb? If you know what is best for your life then why didn't you just take the reins from the beginning and create yourself? Hmmm, interesting thought. The Lord revealed His Omnipotence to Job in Chapter 38 and now He was revealing it to me.
I wonder why it took me so long to see that? Oh yeah I'm a sinner. For all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God (Rom 3: 23). So how does one submit to God's will for your life? Well first you need to start off with prayer and really ask for forgiveness for thinking you had any good ideas to offer... GOD... (really that's just ridiculous, God of the universes way or my way). Second get in the Word! You really can't know what His will is for you unless you know Him so open that BIBLE. Next pray some more. God is GOD and He will reveal Himself to those who cry out to Him for help. I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from ALL my fears (Psalm 34:4). Then comes something that you need to do and that is have faith that He loves you. For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only son that whoever believes in Him will not parish but have everlasting life (John 3:16). He gave you life and has been waiting for you for so long to let Him into every part of your life so He can do a good work in you. God is faithful and will finish the work He starts in you. Finally wait on the Lord! Don't rush into to anything please. Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak (Matt 26:41)
Oh God I need you in my life because I just keep making a mess of things when I don't let You in or when I think I have a certain aspect of my life under control. God You are God and You know me better then I know myself. Save me from myself God and take control of my life I give it all to You. Please teach me Your ways and help me to hear from You because my mind can be my own worst enemy. Father forgive me for my sins and help me to submit to Your authority God! In Jesus name AMEN.
One more little thought, if you want to know more about submission check out K.P. Yohannan's book Touching Godliness through Submission. It is a great book but don't rush through it you need to take it in slowly maybe one chapter at a time. And keep praying Love ya.
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