Last night was one of those psalm 73 kind of nights. I was feeling a little sorry for myself and started asking the Lord, why? Why did it seem like our family in particular was suffering many trials? It was like I had to sum up my life for the Lord in case He missed it or hadn't realized the trials we were dealing with.
I was feeling a little cheated, I hate to say it. All I ever wanted out of life was to live simply and happily with my husband. I would raise our children in a nice 2200 square foot rambler with a white picket fence and a dog, maybe even a cat, would wander the 5 acres our house sat on. My husband would go to work and I would stay home. We would go to church on Sundays and all holidays, and take family vacations once a year.
I could go on but you get the idea. It seemed like a lot of people had our dream and were living it out right in front of us as if to rub salt in an open wound. Not only that but a few of these weren't faithful followers of Christ, so I guess my faith was being tested. I have even heard once or twice from a family member, "I don't want to add more craziness to my life I have enough to deal with," in response to my question, why don't you choose God.
I know I'm not the only one to go through trials and feel this way. I just wanted an explanation from the One who aloud it to be. Why me God? Why my family? I asked my husband the same question and he asked if I wanted to pray about it. Why, I thought, I already asked God and He didn't have much to say. But we prayed anyways and to my great surprise I heard the answer loud and clear.
Why are you complaining? You have a husband who loves you and prays with you every night and 3 beautiful children, a roof over your heads in a great location, and most importantly you have your Faith in Jesus Christ who died for your sins so you could have eternal life in heaven. Not only that but God wants more from me because He loves me and wants to use me in His plans.
We like to call that conviction. I had a great life all along. My life might not look like the magazine pictures of what the world deems "The Good Life", but I was guaranteed the eternal life when I excepted Jesus into my heart. I don't have to worry about tomorrow because should tomorrow not come I would be safe in the hands of my Lord who would carry me to my home in heaven.
Where would I be without God? Oh yeah if you've read my previous blogs you and I both know where I would be. Depressed and feeling along, probably divorced and angry at the world. Who wants that? Not me. Lord forgive me for feeling sorry for myself. I have been so blessed. Help me never to forget all the wonderful ways You've shown Your love for me. You have delivered me out of my past and gently corrected me along the way. You have held my family together through such adversities. You have kept us strong. You have made me new. The words of a song say it best: "I'm so unworthy but still You love me, forever my heart will sing of how great you are". "All glory honor power is Yours Amen".
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